
Konoha Children's Crusade Chapter 26 part4

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On the fourth and final morning it was a real struggle to rise. The constant exercise, the lack of sleep and the lack of food left him feeling as weak as a newborn kitten. He shuffled outside his door to find Hikaru and company all waiting for him. It took all the stubborn pride and anger he had left not to break down right there. “Hyuga-sama,” he said as cordially as he could. “What are your commands for today?”

The group of boys surrounded him, pressing tightly on all sides. “You’ll see,” was all Hikaru enigmatically said.

They marched Neji outside and headed straight for the construction site out back. Hiashi-sama wanted a new small pavillion placed at the far end of the garden, but it was taking forever to be built. The structure was little more than a bolted series of large beams forming the frame, and a huge pile of assorted lumber.

One he got closer he noticed the new addition to the construction site. A noose had been thrown over the top crossbeam.

Neji panicked. “No!” he yelled as the older boys seized his arms. He managed to knock two of them away before Hikaru wove the hand signs triggering the seal. Neji collapsed on the ground screaming. His last thought was, “I wonder if I will ever wake up again?”

When he came to, the first thing he noticed was that he was being held up by at least two people. He was high enough that the tips of his toes could barely touch the ground. The second thing he realized was that both his arms were bound tightly behind him at the elbows, nullifying any chances he had of loosening the ropes and freeing himself. The third and final thing that his mind finally accepted was the rough hemp rope, snugly tugging on his neck.

Hikaru’s face swam into view. “He’s awake,” he said bluntly. “You can let go now.” Neji was released and there was a frantic scramble on his part to figure out how to hold himself upright. The noose around his neck slid about and grew uncomfortably tight, but it was just bearable.

“Are you comfortable little bird?” Hikaru asked gloating. “I hope so... This is the first time I’ve actually gotten to do this without my father’s supervision.” He started to slowly pace around Neji looking him up and down. “He uses this as a last resort to break the spirit of unruly Branch members. He says the hardest part of the trick is know how to go just far enough without actually damaging the body.” He finished his circle and stood in front of Neji eyeing him critically. “I bet Hiashi-sama will thank me for improving your attitude.” He leaned forward and whispered. “Maybe he’ll thank me enough that he’ll finally consider me as a possible match for his heir.”

Neji opened his mouth to curse at him and found that while the rope left him enough room to breath, it was too tight for him to anything but croak. Hikaru snickered at him. “Don’t try to talk. It only makes things worse... I can guess what you’re going to ask... Why this? Well, to be perfectly honest it’s for two reasons: First, you are really too much of a hassle to have around... You’re making the rest of us look bad! We can’t have some bird showing up us! This is the last ditch effort to see if you’ll get the message. Be a good little bird Neji... Please, for your own sake!”

Hikaru paused and thought for a second. “The second reason is... well... We’ve gotten a bit tired of throwing stuff at you. Everyone thought it would be interesting to see how long you could dance for.” He took a few steps to the corner beam and smirked at Neji. “Dance little bird!” he sang out cheerfully as he kicked the post.

The vibration that traveled along the rope nearly jerked him off the precarious balance he had on his toes. There was an excited whoop from the group of boys as Neji twisted wildly trying to keep himself from slipping and tightening the noose further. It quickly became a game, with the boys darting up and either giving the post a kick, or feigning a kick which, when Neji tried to brace himself for it, ended up being almost as bad as the real thing.

This was apparently highly amusing at first, but it grew dull in about half an hour. The day was beginning to heat up and Neji was already dripping with sweat from the anxiety and the constant exertion.  The other boys one by one began to drop out until finally only Hikaru was left. Eventually after stepping up for the umpteenth time and giving the post a shove, even Hikaru looked... unsatisfied. Neji was expecting him to laugh, like he had every time before, but all he did was watch him swaying about with a disinterested look on his face.

“Hey Hikaru-kun,” called one of the other boys, “This is getting kinda boring.”

Hikaru shrugged. “It’s alright... The little bird who puts on airs is getting his due... But you’re right... I think we might be able to spice things up a bit.” His eyes began to dart around the construction site looking for something that would ‘liven things up’. “Hey!” he exclaimed with a grin, and headed off into the flower beds.

He returned dragging a large burlap sack “We’re in luck!” he exclaimed. He paused and shot a snide glance at Neji. “Well, we’re in luck,” he said indicating himself and his friends. “You... not so much... You see birdie... I changed my mind. I think we will be throwing stuff at you after all.

He opened the sack. A small cloud of flies buzzed away followed by the clinging stink of manure. Hikaru reached in and pulled out a sticky brown ball. “Too bad for you,” he said to Neji gloatingly. “It looks like someone only fertilized the garden halfway. “Everyone grab a turd,” he ordered. “Let’s see how well he can dodge now!”

There was silence as the other boys looked at each other. “Um... Hikaru? That’s poop,” one of them volunteered.

“Yeah?” said Hikaru pointedly. “So?”

“Like... You’re holding poop,” the boy tried again.

“What? It’s not like I’m going to run off and eat breakfast without washing my hands now is it? Come on everyone grab a handful!”

There was a sudden attack of acute navel staring and sky gazing amongst the other three boys. “Oh for pete’s sake!” exploded Hiraku. “You’re all a  bunch of wimps!” He wound up his arm and got ready to throw.

There was the hiss of shuriken through the air. The rope holding Neji up by his neck snapped, dropping him unceremoniously to the ground, milliseconds before the turd Hikaru was holding exploded in a fine shower of droplets.

“Alright you jerks!” shouted a familiar voice. “The first one who moves, breathes funny, or does that weird veiny eyeball trick gets a shuriken to the face. Let’s see your pretty looks survive that!”

The boys froze. Neji heard booted feet trodding heavily along the garden path. Something fell at his side with a thump. He stared stupidly at the wrapped bento. “Hey Neji,” said Tenten grimly. “I got sick of you mooching off of me and decided to make you your own lunch for a change. I asked some girl to deliver it to you, but she got all shy and giggly and said I should deliver it to you myself. She said I could find you in the back garden.” She shifted her stance slightly. There was the whisper of steel on leather as she pulled out a kunai. “Your house is freakin huge! I wasn’t sure I’d find you...  But I did, and it looks like right in time too.”

There was a muffled giggle. “Oh this is too much,” muttered Hikaru. “A mongaikan is in love with Neji Hyuga!”

“Hey! You’d better not be calling me names!” yelled Tenten. “I’m a fully qualified Kunoichi!”

There was a snicker amongst the boys. “The mongaikan doesn't know she’s a mongaikan!” one of them snickered.

Hikaru laughed. “Really now Neji... didn’t you teach your mongaikan anything?” He sighed and idly rubbed his nose, leaving a brown streak. Oblivious, he grinned at Tenten. “You’re bringing him food, that means that on some level you and he have entered a relationship,” he said very slowly and simply as if he were talking to an idiot. “That makes you his mongaikan. A mongaikan is a layperson... in the standard meaning that is true, however amongst the Hyuga it has the connotations of a someone who is not a Hyuga... an outsider... “ He waved a vague hand at the bento. “No matter what sweet promises Neji has made, you will never be accepted by the clan... If you continue this relationship with him, the best you can hope for is to be a non-Hyuga mistress... a concubine.” He paused and grinned evilly. “A whore.”

“Interesting... Tell me, do the Hyuga have some sort of special term for an idiot douchebag who just wiped shit all over his own nose?” asked Tenten idly.

Hikaru went beet red as there was a snicker from one of his friends. “You shut up right now!” he snarled taking a threatening step forward.

“Hey!” Tenten yelled back, waving her kunai. “I said no moving!”

“Yeah right!” Hikaru took another step. “What are you going to do about it.? You yourself said you were a kunoichi.” He took another step forward. “Everyone knows that Kunoichi are only good for being Medical-nin or seduction missions... So... what’s it going to be?” He was easily an arms length away from Tenten now. “You’re obviously not going to throw your little shuriken at me... What are you going to do?” He pulled himself up to his full height, put his hands on his hips and gave her a condescending grin. “Maybe you’ll use your seduction skills on me?”

Tenten’s kick was blindingly fast. Hikaru made a high pitched keening sound and folded up, clutching his groin. As he lay there mewling, she booted him again in the ribs.

The other three boys lunged forward. There was the hiss of steel and yelps of pain. The boys stumbled to a halt clutching bleeding ears, fingers and toes. Tenten’s fingers dipped down to her holster and her hands were once again a nest of sharp points. “Last warning guys... I missed on purpose. I’m trying to nice here and give you idiots every chance I can! It’s not going to be my fault if the next bunch ends up in your thick skulls!” The other three boys took one look at her face and bolted for the house.

Tenten watched them go. After awhile she reached down and pulled Neji up to his feet. “Seriously Neji... What the hell is the matter with your clan?” Her kunai came up and sawed through the ropes binding him.

Neji rubbed at his sore arms. “You had better leave before you cause any more trouble,” he said flatly.

Tenten grunted. “You know most normal people would say ‘Gee Tenten, I’m really glad you came along to save my sorry butt!’”

Neji looked away from her eyes, but nodded. “Thank you. That was... helpful.”

Tenten smirked.  “Helpful? I saved the god damned day! This bonehead,” she nudged the crying Hikaru again with her toe, “had you hanging by the neck! You could have died! Which reminds me... how the hell did those jerks get you trussed up like that without anybody else noticing?”

Neji sighed. “Actually, according to the clan head,  they had every right to do this to me.”

Tenten stared at him blankly.  Slowly her face transformed into a grimace. “Please oh please, tell me this isn’t another one of your clan’s stupid traditions.”

“No... This was not a tradition.”

“Thank god for that,” muttered Tenten. ”I’m getting pretty sick and tired of everyone thinking we’re dating just because little old stupid me can’t bear to see someone go hungry. I don’t think I could stand getting caught up in another one.”

“This wasn’t a tradition... It was however something that I do have to suffer through. You see, it is my... I am...” Neji’s voice drifted off as he saw the group of three adults leave the house and quickly start walking towards him. “Tenten,” he said quietly. “I think you should leave... now.” He made a small gesture to the approaching party.

She snorted. “Why? I didn’t do anything wrong.”

There was a wheeze from the ground that could have passed for a chuckle. “You’re going to get it now mongaikan,” hissed Hikaru. “That’s both my father and his good friend, the Head of the Hyuga clan coming over here. You’re going to be put in jail for assaulting me for sure. My father is going to make sure that you...” Hikaru yelped as Tenten kicked him again.

“Shut up poop face. If I’m going to go to jail for kicking you in the nuts once, then a few more kicks there won’t make matters worse... now will they?”

Hiashi-sama and company had started moving faster when they saw Tenten give Hikaru another kick. Neji could foresee very few positive outcomes for this situation. Both he and Tenten could end up in a significant amount of trouble... or it could be just him.

Neji strode boldly forward, stopping about  three meters away from the Head family members. He bowed quickly. “Hyuga-sama,” he said politely.

“What have you done to my son?” screamed a plump, red faced man Neji assumed was Hikaru’s father. “I’ll see you flayed alive you worthless piece of...”

His tirade stopped at a raised hand from Hiashi. “Neji,” he said coldly. “It appears that Hikaru-kun has been assaulted... again. Have you anything to say for yourself?”

Neji resisted every urge not to look back at Tenten. “Hiashi-sama there are circumstances...”

“Do not waste my time with excuses Neji.” Hiashi’s lip twitched in disgust. “You were given a simple instruction by my eldest daughter... were you not? Your punishment was to accept any task given to you by Hikaru, and to do it humbly and with diligence. Is this what you have done?”

“No Hiashi-sama... but...”

“There are no buts Neji,” said Hiashi sternly. “I gave you the opportunity to regain your honor, and you threw it in my face. I had hoped to avoid this again.” He barely saw Hiashi-sama’s hands flicker before scorching inferno of throbbing agony ignited behind his eyes. He grabbed his head in both hands and frantically clawed at his forehead like an animal. The pain was far sharper than anything he had experienced so far. Neji lost all rationality in the desire to free himself from the torment. His hi-ate headband was yanked away, as were the wraps he used to further hide the caged bird seal. Flashes of light were bursting in his vision and it was getting harder and harder to breathe. His ankles grew rubery and he teetered.

“Neji!” squealed Tenten. She sprinted up behind him and caught him before he could fall. As he flopped about with pain, he heard slow measured footsteps coming closer on the garden’s gravel path. Tenten stiffened and took in a deep breath. “You stay away from him!” she screamed. He felt one of her arms jerk as she launched her kunai.

The pain in his head abruptly ceased. He groggily lifted his head from her arms and beheld Hiashi-sama, holding her caught kunai centimeters away from his left eye. He stared at the pair of them with a curious expression.

“Who are you and what are you doing on Hyuga property?” he asked coldly. “How dare you interfere with the dealings of the Hyuga clan.”

“Neji is my teammate!” yelled Tenten. “But even if he wasn’t, I’d still stand up for him. From what I’ve seen... he’s the only one out of all you that isn’t a complete asshole.”

“You dare insult the noble Hyuga clan?” roared Hikaru’s father. He took a wadling step forward.

Another kunai appeared in Tenten’s hand. “I’ll do more than insult you if come any closer to Neji, fatso!”

With a deft move Hiashi stepped in between them hand upraised. He froze Hikaru’s father with a glance and then turned to Tenten. “Child,” he said slowly as if talking to someone who is mentally deficient, “you are obviously quite upset... It would be best if you went about your way.”

“And leave him alone with you jerks? I don’t think so! You jackasses have been starving him, beating him, dumping garbage on him, throwing crap at him,” Tenten paused for a breath and gestured sharply at the rope dangling from the trellis behind her, “hanging him by the neck, and when he manages to get free,  you try to kill him with some jutsu... and you wonder why I feel the need to stop all this? What the hell kind of sadistic freak clan is this?” Tenten cried incredulously.

Hiashi did something Neji had never seen before. He blinked. “Neji?” he asked in a detached voice. “Does the girl speak the truth?”

She didn’t give him the chance to answer. “Why the hell wouldn’t I?” Tenten jutted out her chin. “Do you think I could make any of this up? This slimy creep over here,” she pointed at Hikaru, “was getting all suggestive asking me to use a seduction jutsu on him. Right before I kicked him in the balls!”

“Don’t listen to her!” yelled Hikaru, awkwardly pushing himself up to a seated position. “She’s the one that attacked me and my friends! She wants to be Neji’s mongaikan!”

There was a hiss and a thump. Hikaru yelped and scrambled back from the kunai that appeared in the ground between his thighs. “Shut your mouth. If you make me come over there again douchebag, your grandkids are going to regret it!” snapped Tenten.

“Neji?” prompted Hiashi, ignoring the exchange.

Neji nodded once. “I did make an attempt to serve Hikaru-san, Hiashi-sama... It happened as Tenten said.”

“I see,” said Hiashi. There was a long thoughtful pause. “I believe you have shinobi training this morning,” stated Hiashi matter of factly. “I would suggest you hurry along before you are late.”

Neji nodded once, relieved that he was being dismissed. “Thank you Hyuga -sama,” he said with a bow.

“What that’s it?” Tenten grumbled angrily. “You’re just going to leave?”

Neji deftly rolled the wraps around his forehead and re-tied his headband. “Yes...Come Tenten,” he said and jogged for the main gate.

“That ass-monkey was treating you like a toy and you’re just going to walk away?” she asked incredulously.

Neji was so tempted to ignore her question, but she did just risk a lot on his behalf. “Hiashi-sama, the head of the clan, will admonish Hikaru, but not in our presence. It’s not done to dress down Head family members in front of ‘lesser people’... It’s best we just go.”

They exited the main gate and started a little ways down the street. “Like hell we will!” grinned Tenten. She ran around to the back wall of the compound.

“Where are you going?” yelped Neji.

“This ‘lesser person’ wants to hear that douchebag get what’s coming to him!”  she said gleefully as she ran. They stopped right behind the garden wall, where she cupped a hand behind her ear and theatrically mimed listening to a conversation.

“... obviously coddling the boy. I have never seen any branch member that acted so unruly to his betters! At any rate, I fail to see how any of this is an issue Hiashi-sama,” said the plump Hyuga, his voice echoing over the garden wall.  “You asked my son to punish the bird and punish him he did.” The rotund man said haughtily. “It’s no different than what goes on in my mother’s household.”

There was a chilly pause. “I left instructions that Neji was to learn humility and discipline by serving your son. I gave permission for him to be chastised, not tortured. I am most displeased by this.” Neji gave her a tug to pull her away, but Tenten refused to budge.

“Come now Hiashi... He’s just a bird, a member of the branch family. He can’t be of that great import... Or can he?” There was a note of quiet realization in the fat man’s voice. “Perhaps the great Hiashi Hyuga has a soft spot for his nephew?”

The contempt was plain in Hiashi’s voice. “Neji is of the branch family, as was his father before him... They were both bonded to me with the caged bird seal and receive no special treatment. The fact that my brother carried out the order to commit seppuku for the good of the clan and the village is proof of that.” Tenten whirled around and stared at Neji wide eyed. Neji looked down at his feet. “With his father gone, Neji’s destiny is tied to my house. His fate belongs to me. He is a servant... Expendable flesh, as your charming mother would no doubt refer to him... nothing more.” Tenten reached out for Neji, but he quickly stepped away.  “I will deal with Neji myself...I think it would be best if your son returned back home,” ordered Hiashi.

There was a whisper of cloth as Hikaru’s father reached out and grabbed Hiashi’s sleeve. “If he leaves... If you are thinking about ignoring that part of the contract... Then the whole deal is off.”

Hiashi shook away from his grasp. “If your son and three of his friends cannot best a single genin girl, then I would be doing my daughter a great shame by entertaining the very thought of him as a son-in-law,” he called as he walked back to the house. “Ko! Our guests are leaving, we need to prepare for their departure!”

“My mother will hear of this Hiashi!” yelled the fat man. “She will take this as a snub of the highest order!”

Hiashi paused. His voice was far away. “Then tell Junko-sama that if she expects me to respect her sons, then she must instruct them better in the ways of honorable men.” The fat man cursed and stalked away, his feet crunching on the gravel.

“That’s... Um... They were talking about something else. Right?” Tenten asked nervously.

Neji felt a burning shame, but forced himself to answer. The girl already knew and saw much of how the Hyuga clan operates. He slowly shook his head. “No. I was sealed into the branch family at age four. The seal on my forehead  both protects my byakugan from being taken from me, and provides a means of... control. My father, Hiashi-sama’s twin brother,  was ordered to kill himself to produce a convincing body double for the Head of the Clan.”

Tenten stared at him for a long time. “Holy shit Neji,” she finally whispered. “Why are you still here with these jerks? Why haven’t you run away?”

Neji looked up. There was a small flock of sparrows flying overhead. “I am bound by clan tradition and clan honor.” He shrugged away her look of incredulity. “It is my greatest pain, and at the same time it is my destiny... I wouldn’t... I can’t expect someone who... isn’t a Hyuga to understand.”

Tenten gave him a worried stare. “I guess not...” Neji nodded once knowingly. He was used to being alone... there was some part of him that always expected him to be that way. It was nice while it lasted, but he was sure that the pangs he felt at Tenten’s withdrawal would fade in time.

“I have only one request,” Neji  asked quietly. “Please do not mention anything that you have heard or seen today to anyone. It would be... awkward.”

“I won’t tell.” Neji turned away to go. To his surprise, she forcefully held out the bento she made him, blocking his exit.  “Hey Neji? I may not be able to understand... But if you ever... you know... need someone to talk to, or vent at or something...”

It was a good thing she wasn't looking his way, otherwise she would have seen his mouth drop open in surprise. He recovered, bowed and graciously took the wrapped box. “Thank you Tenten.”

“Yeah, well... just make sure everyone knows I only made it for you because I got sick of you eating half of my lunch day after day... okay?”

He nodded again. “Certainly.”

She looked cagily up the street and started walking in the direction of the training grounds. “We’d better hurry. If we’re late Guy-sensei will probably make us do a hundred extra squats or something.”

“Tenten-san!... One moment please,” Neji called. She stopped and looked at him expectantly. “ I was wondering if you might be willing  to do some extra training with me this afternoon... If we have the time?”

Her smile warmed him. “Sure Neji. What did you want to train?”

Neji spoke without hesitation. “Shuriken and kunai.”

Chapter Twenty Six part Four of the Fan novel: Konoha Children's crusade

Naruto Characters belong to Masashi Kishimoto

Author's Note: Having Hikaru getting kicked repeatedly in the crotch was like that scene of Tyrion slapping Prince Jeoffery in Game of Thrones... I could watch it all day.

Oh, about mongaikan it does translate from Japanese to mean 'layperson' or 'average' with the added connotation that someone is an 'outsider'... The other nastier bits... Well that's just Hikaru being an ass-monkey (Ass-monkey... That's my new favorite insult)

Do I even need to say anything at this point about how much I love Tenten as a character?




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